Jan 21, 20205 min

Responsive and Dynamic Search Ads. Automate your Ad Testing

Updated: May 19, 2020

How smart is your Search Engine Marketing | Episode 05

Transcription of Podcast:

Hello everyone, welcome to our first podcast in this weekly of How Smart Is Your Search Engine Marketing behaviour, specifically looking at the, uh, Google ads platform. And today's topic is RSA and DSA; responsive search ads and dynamic search ads. Now too, if you go, or like four or five years back, you know, when companies were outsourcing to agencies, one of the big reasons. Why is, the Adwords management was getting outsourced was the fact that an agency could do a lot of, AB testing with respect to the ads. You know, the headlines and the descriptions that you see in the search ads because it was a time consuming back then. I'm talking about four to five years back when there wasn't, external tools for this.

Today, Google ads itself has features which allow you to automate the ad testing, and it does it beautifully, and that's what responsive search ads and dynamic search ads are all about. Let's see, you're running an eCommerce site for shoes and you're stocking all the various brands and colors and styles, and you want to test out different headlines. So one had land could be around the fact that you have a good range. The other could be around, uh, the starting. Cost for the, uh, the products. The third headline could be around, a discount that you're doing right now in all these three have to be tested in conjunction with the descriptions, because that's the format of we offer search ads.

The Beauty of RSA

You know, you have headlines and then you have descriptions. Now. In the case of RSA, you can actually right up to 15 different headlines and four different descriptions leading to an arrangement of 43 more than 43,000 different point permutation. So that's the beauty of responsive search Ads. The system itself mixes and matches the headlines and it sees which one is doing the best. So basically it dynamically generates the ads from the headlines and descriptions that you give and tries to figure out, which combination would be the top performer. There's one more advantage, to RSA which does not get talked about a lot and that is this, that typically a search ad has, uh, two headlines and one 80 character description. Now, what happens with RSA is that you have 3 headlines. And you have two 90 character descriptions, which means that your RSA ads would take up more real estate on the search engine result page, and the organic listings will get pushed even more.

So you can say that RSA is at a new opportunity for businesses to stand out. Now, there are certain best practices that you have to bear in mind when you're doing this kind of automation. One is that you have to try every unique message in each of the headlines. Because the system is going to combine it for you and you have to always see if any, the combination is sounding or you must immediately remove it. So that's, that's a little challenging, especially if you're doing it for the first time. The other is to give time because. Uh, you have to allow time for the machine learning algorithm to try this ad to as many people as possible in the defined time range so that you can figure out which one is doing the best.

About Dynamic Search Ads

Now let's move to dynamic search ads. And again, we'll go back to the same shoe e-commerce, uh, website. Uh, for example. Now. You know as if you're, if you're stocking various kinds and brands, you would have an elaborate range for formal shoes, sneakers, or casual shoes. You have various brands, you know, you have, and people search, say for those brands, they added us with respect to certain specific colors that they like. So you have an enormous. Uh, you know, permutation and combination when it comes to those search ads, which people might use and this can potentially trigger an ad for your eCommerce site. So what dynamic search ads or DACs what it does actually is that if someone is searching for red and white stripes, Adidas shoe. You know, the system will automatically search for that page on your eCommerce site, craft a headline, which goes with these search terms and the page, which is going to be solved. And it does this automatically without you actually needing to feed all these URLs. Now, you can imagine that if there could be 30,000 different a URLs because you could have you if you have a big range, those would actually result in 30,000 different product you are is, so with DSA is this fetching of URLs, fetching of the product pages you add as in line with what was being searched becomes an automatic process.

Why is this relevant, especially for eCommerce sites, is that over 50% of Google searches have three or more keywords. Like the example that I took some time back, which is veteran white Adidas shoes. So that's an example of, a search term, which has three or more keywords and 15% of searches that are seen every day by the system are brand new, and especially things like voice search coming in, that's uh, you know, the searches I even going to be even more longer, they gonna be questioned or they entered, uh, searches. So you get, you can imagine the plethora of search combinations that an eCommerce site has to deal with. So the member DACs are four sites that have a large number of landing pages and thousands of constantly changing products. And even the best manage Google ads campaigns would miss out relevant searches, uh, and, and experience delay is getting added rooting for each product and in such a scenario DSS walkout for you. Well, certain best practices, again for RSA, which you have to bear in mind. So for example, you have to have a very thought out list of negative keywords. You know, keywords which you, because it's automatically linking the product URL page to what is being searched. You want to make sure that it doesn't trigger unwarranted searches, and hence you have to have a very elaborate list of negative keywords.

I remember, obviously, RSA & DSA can be used together. So RSA, which is responsive, so to add is more for testing out a different headline and description or combination. Save for the red and white Adidas shoe. Uh, and it does show an example that we took, sometime back, but as a DSA, we'll ensure that this right URL gets, in this case, the product page gets thrown up in the Google search ad if someone is typing any, anything related to right and white Adidas shoes. So yes, they, the use case of this is different from each one of these is different and they can be used together.

So that's it from our side. If you've liked today's podcast, be sure to be in touch with us. If we are going to have three more podcasts in this weekly series of How Smart is your Search Engine Marketing. Thank you.

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