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Capturing user intent how does one actually do it?

Updated: May 19, 2020

How smart is your SEO Campaign | #Episode02

Transcription of above audio:

Hey everyone!! Welcome to the second podcast, and today we're going to be talking about capturing intent and how does one actually do that? User intent is almost like a buzzword in a, you know, for 2020 when it comes to SEO, people who are in the SEO category, or basically it means understanding the goal or the intention that a user has.

When he or she's entering a search term into the search engine. Why is it important? Because it is a central factor in content and SEO and it is now eclipsing the individual keywords as a dominant ranking factor. And why is it difficult to do this? Or why is it complex? That is because human beings are complex. You know, they, people think in a certain manner and, and certain a certain manner. The fact that the language and the and the various languages and cultures, you know, you just take India, for example, the plethora of languages and cultures play a role in what actually gets searched. Right? Uh, in fact, Google is currently estimated 15% of the Grady's it is handling on a daily basis are completely new. So that adds to the complexity, there are so many new terms, with which people are searching. So if you're running a business or if you're managing marketing, what do you do?

a guy thinking

The first thing is. You know, sometimes you get too involved with tools, you know, for the first, the first job was to think like human beings and to get an overall insight into what information is generally sought after in your category. If you look at the recent algorithm updates, I'm referring to BERT that is exactly what the algorithm is trying to do. It is trying to understand what. The person is actually looking for it.

So, for example, if someone is searching for a list of hotels. Uh, it is unlikely that a hotel site will come up on the first page. What will either come up is, uh, our websites like TripAdvisor or Travelocity, which basically feature a list of hotels?

So this is an example. If you are running a hotel business, you know, you should not try to get aim for a first base position for the word, like hotels list. Because the intention is to get a list of hotels. So you are on the wrong playground if you're trying to rank for that kind of a term.

a girl working

Next. When you're working on specific articles, pay attention to the semantic relationships. Now, this is a word which you will see quite often. What does it mean? So for example, if someone is searching for SEO strategy, then these are the semantically related keywords would be an on-page strategy, keyword research, it could be off pages. These are the things that people would actually be looking for when they are typing when they're searching for SEO strategy. So if you write content, which includes all these semantic relationships in a sense of trying to answer the intent of the person who's searching. So from the SEO side, having more semantically related keywords means that your web pages are the more contextual background on the topic and hence can perform better in search results.

SEMrush, for example, has specific tools called OnPage SEO checker and SEO content which would actually give you the hints with respect to specific, related keywords when you're trying to build content on a certain topic so that you can start including those themes in your content.

voice search

Third, pay attention to voice search. This is growing rapidly. I mean, you can, the stats are all out there in the market now. The tools for this are getting developed for understanding the analytics associated with voice search. So I can't offhand you any tools which will help you with this, but basically, it needs a different mindset when you're looking at the voice. So you should be in a position to understand what are the typical short forms people use in your category? How do people talk when they're searching on the go? in your category.


And, on the content side, you have to make sure that it is, you know, enough form which is suitable to the guy who's, who's doing the voice search. So, which means if it is in the form of a list or something, which can be very quickly led out, by the system. So, these are the things which you have to, conceptually try and pay attention to if you have to do well in voice search, and the earlier you start, the better.

So this week, the theme is, How smart is your SEO campaign? And this was the second podcast. If you like what we're doing, then you can stay in touch with us and we'll be back with another episode on the same podcast, on the same series.

Thank you.

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